Monday 29 December 2008

Christmas 2008

What I did on Christmas Day...
Well I didn't sleep the night before, not because of exitement, but because I didn't.
After not sleeping, I proceeded into the living room where the presents were laying beneath the xmas tree. I decided to wait until my sister eventually woke up. While waiting, I watched the usual christmas TV including Ghostebusters. I also took photo's of the tree & tv, beacuse I was THAT exited.

Then my grandad came around for about an hour, handed over the presents, then went somewhere.

Next, Wallice and Gromit was on (strange-its not usually on on Christmas right?). I took photo's of that too for some reason -

Then me & my sister opened the presents.
ooh - lets see, its bath stuff, nice. Chocolate, oh you shouldn't have! More bath stuff, wow! and other things.

And theres a card I got, it has lotp, kc and franz ferdinand on I think, very nice. Oh yeah, it has Metronomy on too
WAIT wheres my micro-korg, oh yeah, I left it too late to buy it from Newcastle, so now I'm getting it some other time...ah well.

Then I did some other stuff.

Monday 24 November 2008

The view from the room downstairs

Click picture to view full size-
Here's a lovely picture of the room with lots of stuff in...
Whats on the picture, I hear you ask?
Well that big black n' white thing is a Smashing Pumpkins flag I got from the Glasgow Secc concert in Febuary.
On the table is a cd mixer which is now broken and a turnable, which isn't very good...well it plays records I suppose.
Speaking of records, to the left you'll see a load of vinyls piled up. you'll find franz ferdinand, late of the pier, klaxons and cribs vinyls there + others.
Oh yeah and that blue box is a killers 7'' boxset I got last year. Thoses packages piled up contain Team waterpolo badges and flyers and the other late of the pier signed cd (yep). On the wall, theres the Radiohead ticket from when they played Manchester LCCC in June this year(horahh). + some photo's I took ft Jonny Greenwood from R'head. Plastered over that is a picture of Late of the pier that I coloured in when I was bored. Oh yeah and on the right of that is a customised sticker saying 'Oasis are shit' - coz they are.
...and thats it

Sunday 23 November 2008

BLOG BLOG BLOG...Heres some links to some websites

Here are some links to some websites I like to use:


My Flickr Page:


My Myspace (My My)

(You can watch video's on it by the way)
(Sell cd's/vinyl/merch- Ha! - this where I got my Franz ferdinand vinyl from for Christmas last year - Franz ferdinand Official Bootleg thing from 2003)

Pure groove:
(www for Puregroove ft downloads/merch/instore amongst other things)

(Makes animations stuff)

Radiohead Website: (waste central):
(Social networking site for fans of Radiohead)
(apparently has the worlds fastest music news)

Late of the pier website:
(Featuring all the lastest news n' stuff about, wait for it...Late of the pier)

(It sells records - + I got my signed white lies one from there)

Metronomy Forum:
(For fans of Metronomy and forums -...join it)

(Its a Social music revolution - Thats what the website claims)

You can make wierd animations/puzzles/poles and stuff to add to your website or myspace

Filthy Few:
(Myspace page for filthy few - According to the myspace, FF make great podcasts, put on stonking live events and run a record lable and DJ)

Quite a list there ^

-There are also websites I don't like to use...but lets not dwell on that